Welcome Aboard Sea Creature
The Home of Hatteras Sportfishing
Hatteras Sportfishing
Sea Creature Sportfishing is a professional sport fishing charter located in Hatteras Village in The Outer Banks. With over 20 years experience fishing the Hatteras waters, Captain Coulter and his mate are ready and able to show you some of the best fishing that can be found on the island. Make your next fishing trip the best yet by chartering with Sea Creature.
Fishing on Sea Creature
Book your next fishing trip with Sea Creature Sportfishing
Meet Capt. Coulter and the crew of The Sea Creature
Get the answers you need before your next fishing trip.
Featured Angler
As part of the launch of our new website, we’re introducing our new “Featured Angler” area. We’ll be using this area to commemorate some of the best fishermen that we’ve seen at Sea Creature Sportfishing. If you’d like to have a chance at being our featured angler, shoot an email to stevecoulter58@gmail.com and let us know what sets your trip apart. We can’t wait to hear about your experiences on Sea Creature!